On An Ordinary Night

A New Musical Workshop

DECEMBER 2023 - CAP21 Molloy University

Performed at CAP21 (50 Broadway, NYC)

ROLE: Cat Lady/Ensemble

For our final project before graduation, each group was tasked to create a brand new musical with the help of two industry professionals. We had less than a month to complete this project, but it was a wonderful experience that taught me a lot about writing music, scripts, and collaborating with other artists.

Music Direction by Robert Rokicki, Direction by Rachel Lee, Photography by Matthew Brennan

Created & Performed by: Riley Brennan, Aidan Curley, Diego Enrico, Samantha Gibbs, Gillian Griffis, Taya Howard, Maya L’abbe, Declan Logan, William Maus, Rachel McMullen, Kelan O’Brian, Kathryn Paidoussis, Sophie Vaughan, & Gabrielle Villarreal